Ésta Es Su Victoria

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  1. Creo que Martin L. King sentiría el mismo que muchos afro-americanos y “gente de color”: triunfo, gozo, orgullo, nuevas esperazas, nueva mentalidad y sicologia: que el color de tu piel realmente no sea barrera en donde quieras llegar.

    I hope that U.S.-Bolivia relations will improve, especially in light of recent events. First steps would be re-instating the U.S. ambassador and restoring Bolivia’s free access to U.S. market via the Andean Free Trade Preferences Act. But if Evo continues to publicly antagonize the U.S., and not “co-operate” with its coca reduction programs, then I don’t think relations will improve, even with Obama as president. Obama will probably be more conciliatory and less agressive than Bush in his foreign policy, but I think his priorities are more domestic issues: the economy, health care, etc.

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